Thursday, March 11, 2010

Our Freedoms Being Taken Once Again!

I spent an extended weekend in Las Vegas at the conference of the International Association of Equine Dentistry and many times the subject of the teeth of the wild horses was used in comparison to the problems in domestic horses that require annual, sometimes semi-annual, dental correction and maintenance.

During one of the lunches I was seated at a table with two gentlemen from Nevada in the Reno area. The discussion went from the dentition of the wild horses versus domestic horses to the gathering of the wild horses by the BLM. One of the gentlemen blamed the current issues of both the wild horses and the unwanted horses on the closing of the slaughter plants and wholeheartedly stood behind the efforts to build new or reopen the plants. He just doesn't see the wild horse the same as those of us trying to preserve their rights to roam on the lands they are on.

I know there are areas where the food and water are very limited, I know that there are times when the wild horses roam into residential areas looking for both, I know there are people who set out food and water for them and I know there are some that detest the horses being there even though they were on that land before the developers moved in and took it away from them.

There are some that used to joke and say it was nice of the American Indian to take care of our land for us till we got here, which really isn't much of a joke, but it makes me wonder if the government did it to the American Indian by putting them on reservations, the Japanese by putting them in camps, the Mustang by putting them in holding facilities, who or what is next.

These are our freedoms being taken away as well as that of the wild horse. History shows us that the government doesn't make a distinction between human or animal when they get in the way of what the government wants to do and usually at the financial benefits of a few.

This is not just about the wild horse - it is about the government taking rights away for the profits of a few once again.


  1. Yeah, you should watch Food, Inc! It's all pretty scary;(

  2. ...and I think it has a lot to do with the influence of the big ranchers and giant food corporations.

  3. Oprah just did a show on Food, Inc. I am not sure I really want to see it. But as a rule, I have been eating less and less processed food because I have found myself allergic to gluten. You can't even imagine how many things have gluten in them. mind boggling....
